Coping Mechanisms – Defend Yourself

Everyone wants to help and share their own experiences, especially with new moms. We love it when you share stories and past experiences! It’s fun to hear the crazy things your kids have done and what you have learned. However, it’s not as fun when you try to push your own ideas on how to raise our own children. It’s also a bit hurtful when you tell us how we’re raising our children is wrong.

Mamas, here are a few coping mechanism and a few things I’ve been picking up along the way. These are ways I defend myself and keep my sanity.

  1. If someone offers you advice, kindly nod your head and change the subject.
  2. If someone tells you what you are doing is wrong. Politely tell them that this is the way you prefer to do it and you’re more comfortable that way.
  3. If someone bashes your parenting. Tell them we’re all entitled to our opinion and change the subject.
  4. Don’t lash out, don’t scream, don’t cry, don’t panic.
  5. When you get home, pour yourself a large glass of wine (or juice if your breastfeeding) kick up your feet and give yourself a pat on the back. Being a mom is hard enough, don’t let others get you down.

At the end of the day, it’s your child. Do what you’re comfortable with and what you feel is right. Like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don’t let other people influence you or make you feel like a terrible mom. We’re all trying, we’re all working hard. Be confident in yourself. Your babies will love you no matter what! Even if we mess up here or there! 

You’re doing great mamas! Xx

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